Law Firm Romania | Gradeanu & Partners

Here is a suggestion

  • 6-3-2010

As part of the community of multinational financial institutions, major commercial and mortgage banks in certain parts of central and eastern Europe (the CEE) such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania aim to expand their market positions and improve their return-on-equity ratios. This is a market in which on the one hand, no balance-sheet effect inherent to true-sale securitisation is desired. On the other hand, cheap funding is needed. It requires an unconventional view on what banks are looking for.

These banks benefit from existing modern covered bonds legislation. They frequently use it for acquiring cheap and short-term funding through the local capital markets. Many banks are either moving towards Basel II (for example, the Czech Republic) or already applying it (Bulgaria, Romania, Poland). They are seeking capital relief for regulatory purposes. Because this does not affect the figures of their final balance sheets, it answers their need...

The author thanks colleagues Florina Gradeanu (Romania), Krzysztof Wojdylo (Poland) and Tomas Sedlacek (Czech Republic) for their help