Lately considering the world economical factors most businesses experience problems with overdue accounts.
Working with us, you will benefit from cost-effective, efficient and reliable solution for the Collection of Debts in Romania, is an excellent way of collecting a bad debt and can help improve your cash flow quickly.
For a free debt collection appraisal please complete our Debt Collection Romania form with as much information as possible.
This will then be passed to our attorneys for appraisal.
Dependent on the information supplied after of having your acceptance we can start contacting your debtor today and begin collection.
As part of the community of multinational financial institutions, major commercial and mortgage banks in certain parts of central and eastern Europe (the CEE) such as Romania.
Due to an increasing number of Italian clients, Gradeanu & Partners Law Firm has decided to open a reperesentative office in Rome.
Gradeanu & Partners, Romanian Law Firm is pleased and excited to announce an important milestone in the development of its network of international offices with the future launch of Gradeanu & Partners UK Office.