The Romanian citizenship expresses the affiliation of a person to the Romanian State.
Romanian citizens benefit of protection from the Romanian State.
Acquiring Romanian Citizenship
The Romanian citizenship is acquired by:
- birth
- adoption
- repatriation
- request
The Romanian citizenship can be granted by request to that foreign citizen or to that person without citizenship who:
- was born and resides on the Romanian territory at the request date or, even though he was not born on this territory, he has been residing on the Romanian territory for at least five years, or if he has been married to a Romanian citizen for at least 3 years;
- proves attachment towards the Romanian State and Romanian people by his behaviour and attitude;
- has turned 18;
- has legal means of existence;
- has a general good behaviour and has not been convicted in the country or abroad for a crime that makes him unworthy of being a Romanian citizen;
- has a good knowledge of the Romanian language enabling him to integrate himself in the social life.
The documents required for the Romanian Citizenship application :
- original passport and s a certified copy
- certified copy of the spouse’s Identity card (when applicable)
- character reference from the Romanian police
- character reference from the country the applicant resides in at the time of the application
- birth certificate, marriage certificate etc. in original and certified copy
- declaration regarding additional citizenship renewal applications (if applicable)
- other declarations