To operate commercially on Romanian territory, foreign companies are allowed to establish a subsidiary in Romania.
A Romanian subsidiary is a separately incorporated entity under the Romanian laws, having its own patrimony and bank account. A Romanian subsidiary operates under the control of a parent company, but the parent company is not liable for its actions.
With over 10 years of experience and highly trained Romanian lawyers and access to a wide network of experts in numerous fields, our law firm Gradeanu & Partners is uniquely placed to promptly and efficiently help you with opening a Romanian subsidiary, as well as with other legal services that will help you concentrate on actually running your business and have a successful start.
The formation of a Romanian subsidiary is subject to the Romanian Company Law no. 31/1990. A Romanian subsidiary must be registered with the National Trade Register Office.
As part of the community of multinational financial institutions, major commercial and mortgage banks in certain parts of central and eastern Europe (the CEE) such as Romania.
Due to an increasing number of Italian clients, Gradeanu & Partners Law Firm has decided to open a reperesentative office in Rome.
Gradeanu & Partners, Romanian Law Firm is pleased and excited to announce an important milestone in the development of its network of international offices with the future launch of Gradeanu & Partners UK Office.