Law Firm Romania | Gradeanu & Partners

Set-up Subsidiary

Set up a Subsidiary in Romania


To operate commercially on Romanian territory, foreign companies are allowed to establish a subsidiary in Romania.

A Romanian subsidiary is a separately incorporated entity under the Romanian laws, having its own patrimony and bank account. A Romanian subsidiary operates under the control of a parent company, but the parent company is not liable for its actions.

With over 10 years of experience and highly trained Romanian lawyers and access to a wide network of experts in numerous fields, our law firm Gradeanu & Partners is uniquely placed to promptly and efficiently help you with opening  a Romanian subsidiary, as well as with other legal services that will help you concentrate on actually running your business and have a successful start.

The formation of a Romanian subsidiary is subject to the Romanian Company Law no. 31/1990. A Romanian subsidiary must be registered with the National Trade Register Office.